Kink Producer Network Group

In 2015, the Kink Producer Network Group (KPNG) was created as a private Google group to bring together folks with a common interest in producing events, booking kink, sexuality, relationship presenters, and owning or managing or managing playspaces/events. The group functions as a flat-structured networking tool to get to know peers, share information, and learn from each other. KPNG has members from around the world in roles that range from managing local events to producing international bondage conventions to organizing polyamory conferences.

KPNG’s purposes and goals include:

  • Connecting producers and organizers to share knowledge relevant to putting together kink, sexuality, and relationship events. This can include managing event logistics, enhancing equity, best practices for advertising, event safety, social justice, vendor recommendations, and so on.

  • Facilitating presenter vetting and recommendations. (We encourage and, when available, include statements from any/all parties or stakeholders involved. We intend for producers to have access to first-person accounts to facilitate making determinations about booking while having access to as many “data points” as possible.)

  • Providing peer support.

KPNG is private, and members are screened; the moderators reserve the right to remove anyone at any time.

Joining KPNG requires folks in the group to have direct, hands-on experience producing events. We cannot add folks based on interest or future plans to produce events.

We ask that folks join KPNG as individual humans, not as organizations. This means we want you to join as Joe Blow, leader of AwesomeSpace, -- not as (no specific human indicated). Please feel free to email us if you have questions regarding this! 

If you have questions or comments, you can contact any of the KPNG current active moderators (WhiskyTangoFoxy, Shay, and Lisa). If you’d like to join the group, please fill out this application.


Contents of a basic rope suspension kit


Playspace Etiquette for Everyone Poster