Tying & Flying: Bondage for Self-Suspension
Tying & Flying: Bondage for Self-Suspension
“I've been a bit late getting into rope because a lot of things in that world have always felt daunting and unwelcoming to me. Your book had a huge role in helping me finally feel like I was enough to have a place there. Along with the kind and open approach that comes through in your writing, it was incredibly inspiring and empowering to see all kinds of different people doing all kinds of different things with all kinds of different vibes. I think it really brought home that there's space for all of those people, and there can be space for me too.”
– kittypoops
Soaring & Exploring: Self-Suspension for Experienced Tiers & Fliers
Soaring & Exploring: Self-Suspension for Experienced Tiers & Fliers
“I can't say enough about the book and the work of Shay and the contributors for this volume. Soaring and Exploring brings together various perspectives on self-tying. It is wide-ranging in techniques covered and in highlighting topics important in the rope community (in all its permutations) and in the larger kink community. The thoughtful essays comprising the book's chapters are accessible and enjoyable reading. The chapters together address techniques for a variety of advanced self-suspension; safety and science; and the subject of diversity. And a lot more, too. Each contributor's enthusiasm for their subject colors the book's pages.”
– Ormond