Soaring & Exploring book launch!
OK so I am not really good at Making Announcements and Celebrating Things but…super exciting news…I’ve been working on a follow-up book to Tying & Flying for over three years, and it is launching today! This is an anthology-style book, with chapters and contributions by Kissmedeadlydoll, Shakti Bliss, Alicia & Alex T-Corn, HoChi Bound, Willow, MxBliss, Tornus, Technora, Maki Roll, Linworth, and JerseyGirl, as well as photos and quotes from dozens of other self-tiers.
About the book:
Soar and explore in the fascinating world of self-suspension! This massive, full-color, double-length tome brings the distinct styles and voices of experienced authors to examine various aspects of rope, written for seasoned self-tiers delving deeper into this unique form of movement expression. Dedicated to principles and concepts rather than formulas and recipes, Soaring & Exploring focuses on in-air and ground-based iterations, emotional components, creativity, intention, and ideas for various desires and bodies.
Beautiful color photography features a diverse range of self-suspenders throughout. Clocking in at a hefty 395 pages, the book includes hundreds of instructional photos and detailed explanations of ties, including multiple variations on chest and hip harnesses as well as guidance through advanced suspension sequences.
Amazon reviews, especially “verified” reviews (when you’ve bought the book through Amazon) mean so so much. The book is almost 400 pages and the base price was for sure more than I’d hoped (I get less than $3 in royalties per book and it was incredibly expensive to produce/self-publish, this is all “labor of love” shit), but for some reason right now Amazon has it discounted to $42 (that is completely random and I do not control it).
So many people were part of this project. In addition to the amazing contributors listed above, I especially want to recognize my book designer Deadheavy, cover artist Hannah Yiu, and copy editor Roxanne Guiney, as well as test readers including Cozima, Technora, Felicity, Roxanne, Greg, and Singinginrope <3 <3
I don’t know what else I can say, it’s funny to get done with these projects and feel so exhausted by them that it’s difficult to find/feel the joy or at least satisfaction you’d like to get from seeing it cross the finish line. It exists now, I hope you like it because we worked super SUPER hard on it.